Please find below the link to the new COVID-19 Bulletin. The name reflects the PHEOC and State Health Incident Coordination Centre (SHICC) merge, which recently took place to streamline the COVID-19 response within the Department of Health.
State Government Initiatives
Please find a link from the Department of Premier and Cabinet of the roadmap for WA of lifting of restrictions
Department of Local Government, Sport and Cultural Industries have provided the following factsheet letting us know what the lifting restrictions means for the Community.
Update provided by Rick Wilson MP on Corona Virus (COVID-19).
Media Statement from Hon Peter Tinley AM MLA - Minister for Housing regarding response payment for COVID-19 not included in eligibility assessments for social housing.
The State Government through Lotterywest is committing $159 million to COVID-19 Relief Fund to respond to the hardship being experienced by the Western Australian community as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic.
Horizon Information
Horizon have published some information for customers in relation to Keeping Customers Connected during COVID-19. They have also supplied a table providing a table of Hardship Measures they are implementing during COVID-19.
Small Business Information
Small business is an important part of our Community, With this in mind the Small Business Development Community has provided an informative page on dealing with the Coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic. Attached is the link for your information - Dealing with Coronavirs - Small Business.
Australian Government Fact Sheet - Economic Response to the Coronavirus - Cash Flow assistance for business
Information Page from the WA Police - Great South District
Helpful Health Posters