What is DAP?

A Development Assessment Panel (DAP) is an independent decision-making body comprised of technical experts and elected local government representatives.

Under the Planning & Development (Development Assessment Panels) Regulations 2011 (DAP Regulations), each DAP will determine certain development applications as if they were the responsible authority. DAP's are only decision-making bodies.

Local government are responsible for undertaking an assessment of the proposal, including any public advertising if required, and the preparation of a report for the DAP's consideration.

The Shire of Ravensthorpe is currently represented by Cr Graham Richardson and Cr Robert Miloseski on the Development Assessment Panel.

Lodging a DAP application (includes documents required)


Current DAP applications

Upcoming DAP applications can be found on the Department of Planning, Land and Heritage website:

Current DAP applications & info

DAP agenda and minutes

DAP meeting Thursday 24 August 2023: Agenda - No 110 - Shire of Ravensthorpe

24 August 2023 - Agenda - No 110 - Shire of Ravensthorpe

24 August 2023 Minutes - No 110 Shire of Ravensthorpe