Shire profile
The Shire of Ravensthorpe has a population of 2,085 according to the 2021 census.
Males make up 52.6% of the population and 47.4% are female with the median age 42.
The main town is Ravensthorpe with four surrounding settlements of Fitzgerald, Hopetoun, Jerdacuttup and Munglinup.
Key industries are mining and grain farming, while general farming and tourism are also important in the region.
Our biggest attractions are the national parks and beaches with key events like the Spring Festival, the Wildflower Show and Summer School all of which draw reasonable crowds and many visitors.
The Shire’s population has seen many large variations over the years with the major cause being the mining industries.
30% of the population are volunteers playing a large part in keeping the towns vibrant, as do the many clubs and groups.
There are town blocks available and a number of rural properties of various sizes, very few homes are for sale and rentals are at a premium.
The Shire is blessed with an abundance of sporting facilities which would serve a growing community extremely well.
Key Shire statistics
Shire of Ravensthorpe Statistics Information
Shire Statistics |
Area size |
12,872 sq kilometres |
Length of sealed roads |
146 kilometres |
Length of unsealed roads |
1,114 kilometres |
Number of electors |
1,239 |
Number of dwellings |
1,403 |
Total rates |
$6,023,000 |
Operating revenue |
$12,969,000 |
Number of employees |
70 |
Business development
- Agriculture – is historically the supporting industry for the Shire and continues to provide the main stay for employment
- Mining – also stretches back into the Shire’s history and will continue to provide employment and bring financial interest and tourism to the area
- Tourism – is a developing area with much for the visitors to see
- Small Business – is working well within the Shire and many new small businesses are starting up across the region