
Community Development Fund

Each year Ravensthorpe Council considers funding local community and sporting groups via its Community Development Fund and is guided by policy G.20 Community Development Fund (CDF).

The objectives of the fund are to:

  1. Provide financial assistance for organisations and/or projects which benefit the community.
  2. To assist community-based (not for profit) organisations to develop and maintain facilities.
  3. To provide community-based (not for profit) organisations with relief from Council imposed fees and charges.

Applicants must address the selection criteria provided within the application guidelines.

Only one application per group will be funded across the four categories each financial year (an auspicing group will not limit their own group’s ability to apply for funding).

Funds will be allocated at the discretion of Council and based on highest merit and greatest benefit to the Shire of Ravensthorpe residents and community.

The CDF program will be open to receive applications in March each year.

Council will then consider applications for inclusion in the following year’s annual budget. There will be one round of funding applications each year with the following timelines for the 2024/25 period;


Grants applications

Opens 1 March 2024

Closes 4pm 8 April 2024

Council assessment and formal decision

April – June 2024

Applicant notification

30 June 2024

Funds available for drawdown

From July 2024

Community Development Fund Guidelines 2024/2025

G.20 Community Development Fund 

Shire President Donations Form 

Sample of Event Budget