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Tender Register 2020/2021
RFT 01-2020/21 - Architectural Services
RFT 02-2020/21 - Irrigation Supply and Installation Hopetoun Ovals
RFT 03-2020/21 - Timber Milling Process
RFT 04-2020/21 - Bushfire Mitigation Activities
Addendum RFT 04-2020/21 - Bushfire Mitigation Activities
RFT 05-2020/21 - Lease of Land - Reserve 29342 Corner Yorrell Street and Tallarack Street, Munglinup
RFT 06-2020/21 - Floater Road Re-alignment and Intersection Upgrades (Select Tender from EOI)
RFT 07-2020/21 - Supply, Fabrication and Delivery to Site of Complete Structural Frame
RFT 08-2020/21 - Floater Road Realignment and Intersection Upgrades
RFT 09-2020/21 - Sale of Land - 79 Morgans Street, Ravensthorpe
RFT 10-2020/21 - Bushfire Mitigation Activities (Round 2 Treatments B)
RFT 11-2020/21 - Head Contractor - Ravensthorpe Cultural Precinct
RFT 12-2020/21 - Supply of Fuel Tank, Fuel Management System & Supply of Diesel Fuel
WALGA - 01-2020/21 - Purchase Replacement Multi Tyre Roller
WALGA - 02-2020/21 - Purchase Replacement Prime Mover
EOI - 01-2020/21 - Road Construction Services Floater Road
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