Coastal Hazard Risk Management and Adaptation Plan survey

Published on Tuesday, 20 June 2023 at 1:41:56 PM

The Shire of Ravensthorpe is developing a Coastal Hazard Risk Management and Adaptation Plan (CHRMAP) to understand how our coastline may change in the future and what the options are for managing potential hazards and risks that may impact the coastline.

You can read more about the project here.

We seek the community’s input into the strategies for the future. A survey link is included below and is open from Friday 16 June 2023 to Friday 14 July 2023.

The hazard maps for erosion and inundation, and the map showing the assets at risk over the 100 year time frame are worth reviewing before you take the survey. 


The information from the survey will be used to complete the adaptation plan to enable the Shire to plan for the future of coastal hazards over both the short and long term.

The survey will help to:

  • Confirm what key coastal assets are important to you 
  • Share options for protecting these assets in the future 

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