Draft plan to support cultural and creative industries

Published on Thursday, 22 August 2024 at 9:20:22 AM

At the Ordinary Council Meeting on Tuesday 20 August 2024 Council authorised the Shire of Ravensthorpe Draft 2024–2029 Cultural and Creative Industries Plan (CCIP) to be made available for public comment. 

A CCIP is designed to promote, support, and nurture the local cultural and creative sectors.  

Local Governments use these plans as strategic documents to outline the steps required to enhance the vitality and diversity of a community's cultural and artistic life. 

Shire of Ravensthorpe Chief Executive Officer Matthew Bird said this draft plan was developed in recognition of the importance of arts and culture to our region, and also due to the last (and only) cultural plan being produced in 1998.  

"We're incredibly lucky to have such a strong creative sector already doing great things in our community," he said.

"To have a more modern plan that outlines ways the Shire can help to support what they are already doing, but also identify new ways to advance the arts is a positive step for all."

What is in the plan?  

This draft plan celebrates the existing cultural and creative industries in our region, and also provides an integrated approach for both the Shire and community to work together to further enhance arts and culture.  

It also outlines how the Shire can better support artists and creatives, for example helping to promote events or making it easier to access Shire assets for creative use.  

Several local creatives are featured as case studies in this draft plan, where they outline both their successes and challenges.

Community engagement

Euphorium has been engaged to produce this CCIP for the Shire of Ravensthorpe and will facilitate the following information sessions to talk through the main points of the plan and to answer any questions from the community:

Monday 26 August 2024

Lunch & Learn at Ravensthorpe CRC

12.30-1.30pm  (no booking required)

Wednesday 28 August 2024

Lunch & Learn at Hopetoun CRC

12.30-1.30pm  (no booking required)

Wednesday 28 August 2024

Practical session for local arts & culture stakeholders at Hopetoun CRC

4pm (Please RSVP call/email Minna 0487 881 085 minna@euphorium.com.au )

Monday 2 September 2024

Jerdacuttup Community Association meeting


Wednesday 2 October 2024

Munglinup Community Group meeting



Have your say

The draft plan is available for viewing or download here, it is also available for inspection at each Shire office and will be on display on the Shire’s stall at the markets.

Submissions can be made to the Chief Executive Officer, Shire of Ravensthorpe, PO BOX 43, Ravensthorpe WA 6346, or via shire@ravensthorpe.wa.gov.au by Friday 4 October 2024.

Disclosure of interest 

Shire President Cr Tom Major declared a financial interest relating to this matter: the draft plan was created by a company called Euphorium. His wife Gab Major is employed by Euphorium and is one of the consultants working on this draft plan.

Cr Major left the council chamber while this agenda item was being considered.

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