Results of the 2024 Community Perception Survey

Published on Monday, 27 May 2024 at 2:54:03 PM

Thank you to all who completed our recent 2024 Community Perception Survey.

The results are now available for viewing here.

These results will help inform our review of the Strategic Community Plan and have also already been used in community workshops.

What was the survey for?

All local governments are required to produce a plan for the future under S5.56 (1) of the Local Government Act 1995.

The Strategic Community Plan sets out the community’s vision and priorities for the future, and the key strategies we will focus on to achieve our aspirations.

It is standard process to undertake minor reviews and update the Strategic Community Plan.

We aim to complete this review in mid 2024.

Who did the survey?

We received 173 responses to the survey, the majority using the link provided via the Shire of Ravensthorpe Facebook page and via the Ravensthorpe Report digital newsletter.

Paper versions were handed out at several community markets in both Hopetoun and Ravensthorpe, as well as at each Shire office. A QR code was provided for posters on community noticeboards and in the Community Spirit newspaper, this received the least amount of responses.

The completion rate was 100%. Everyone who started the survey, finished it. The majority of respondents were female and the average age group was 65+.

What were the key results?

  • The Shire's performance in emergency services, rubbish, public spaces and the airport rated highest, while road maintenance, boat ramp, ranger services and health rated the lowest
  • Respondents rated fire and emergency services highly and overall supported bushfire mitigation, while also making it clear in the comments that more communication and community engagement is required in this area
  • The majority of respondents would like the Shire of Ravensthorpe to do more to support tourism
  • 67.65% of respondents said they have no plans to leave the region, but in the comments many expanded on that by saying health concerns when older may see them leave
  • 99 respondents said they volunteer in the community
  • Digital platforms are the preferred way of receiving news directly from the Shire of Ravensthorpe with the Shire’s Facebook page rated highest, followed by the new Ravensthorpe Report digital newsletter

          Read survey results in full here

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